Stand up for Jesus

As He stood up for you

July 19, 2012 (Thursday)
”picJesus was teaching in the Temple courts. It was the last week of his earthly life. His enemies were making sure of that. Almost everyone from the Sanhedrin was there that day and their goal was somehow to discredit Jesus in the eyes of the people. Their underlying aim was to make themselves look good and to discredit Jesus in the eyes of the many people who had come to hear him.
“A question,” they pleaded to Jesus: “By what authority do you do these things?” The men asking him claimed authority as the established and well-known Sanhedrin. They felt they had the upper hand by asking Jesus about his authority, for they knew he had no connections to the “powers that be,” i.e., the earthly institutions of power over the people.
“I will answer you,” replied Jesus, “if you will answer a question for me: the Baptism of John (the Baptist), was it from heaven or from men?”
The religious leaders held an impromptu council on the spot, and reasoned together that either answer would cast them in a bad light in the eyes of the observers that day. “If we say, ‘from heaven,’ he will ask us, ‘then why did you not believe him?’ and if we say ‘from men’ then the people will be upset because John had been very popular among them.” So they answered Jesus, “We don’t know,” an answer that made them look bad to the people, but not as bad as the other two possible answers.
Jesus then said, “Neither do I tell you by what authority I do these things.” This little episode was preparatory to the full scale scolding he would give them, denouncing their hypocrisy.
Jesus came to Jerusalem that last week of his earthly life to fulfill his mission of redemption through his death, burial and resurrection. These confrontations assured that result.
As we watch Jesus prepare the way for his own cross, let us not forget his challenge to each of us who claim to be his followers: “Take up your cross and follow me.” What price are you paying for your devotion to Christ? Are you willing to stand up with Jesus for the gospel truth?