August 16, 2020 (Sunday)

Have you ever watched the Lawrence Welk show on PBS? The old shows from years ago are still being broadcast and, to my way of thinking, are just as great as ever. I realize the era of syndicated repeat performances are no doubt numbered, because the generations of fans that love them so much is passing from the scene. I am from one of those generations, and logic demands that I realize my many years of life are numbered. Many of the performers on the show have passed away, but the recordings of the programs go on. It is interesting to note that some of the children on the show from years ago are now grandparents. Many of the performers from the T.V. shows now perform in the Lawrence Welk theater in Branson, Missouri. The show goes on.

Actually what I’m writing about today is the studio audience that was filmed along with the performers each week. If you see the program again, which I hope you will, please notice the reaction of the audience when the camera pans the room. Without fail, the films of the audience show the people looking up and to their right or left. They are seeing themselves on the big T.V. monitors in the studio. For that moment, at least, the main interest of the patrons is not the show, but the monitors that show closeups of the audience members. Through the years, I have had the privilege of attending a few shows that were broadcast on T.V. I’m sure I did the same thing the Welk audiences did and looked for myself on the big monitors. That’s just the natural thing to do, right?

A few decades ago, much was said about the “Me” generation. For some reason, that particular generation of young people was branded as such. Honesty, however, concludes that every generation of young people is a “Me” generation. Its just a natural phase of the maturing process. We all, more or less, were there at some point in our lives. If that was not your personal experience, then somehow you moved from “child” to “adult” without experiencing the years of “finding yourself.” Cannot happen. It’s a necessary part of life.

The problem, however, is with those who never move on in life to the next phase. I believe we are all affected somewhat by the tendency to think about ourselves first and others later. There are some among us who never seem to understand that life is made meaningful when we involve ourselves with others as friends.

Jesus is our example in service to and involvement with others. Think about the gospel accounts of his experiences with other people. For example, think about the rich young ruler. Jesus puts him on center stage as they talk together about what it means to live a great life. If you think about it, you will see that every encounter of Jesus with others put the focus on the person to whom he was talking. Jesus practiced what he preached. He never made himself the center of attention. Thing about it. In your mind, please review the life of Jesus and see if what I am pointing out is true.

Jesus, by word and personal example, challenged us to put God first in our lives, others second but very important, and, finally, ourselves. It is the formula for happiness that has never been improved. In fact, here is the word, “Joy,” explained: Jesus first, Others second, and You last. J-O-Y. Wow!

You can be happy if your priorities are in the right order. Here’s the right order:



Joy can be yours:

If Jesus has first place in your life.

(If Jesus has first place, you will do His will, you will love Him, and you will serve Him).

If other people are important to you.

(If others are important to you, you will praise them, you will accept them as they are, and you will want the best for them).

If you put less emphasis upon yourself and your own needs.

(Self-interest causes you to lose self-esteem, to have feelings of insecurity and creates doubts about God’s love for you).

Songs About J.O.Y.


O soul, are you weary and troubled?
No light in the darkness you see?
There’s light for a look at the Savior,
And life more abundant and free!
Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.


Lord, help me live from day to day
In such a self-forgetful way
That even when I kneel to pray,
My prayer shall be for others.
Others, Lord, yes, others
Let this my motto be
Help me to live for others
That I might live for thee.

O Love that wilt not let me go,
I rest my weary soul in thee;
I give thee back the life I owe,
That in thine ocean depths its flow
May richer, fuller be.

Happy Birthday to Andy Hamm,
my grandson!