A little more blog today

More for Thursday

May 31, 2012 (Thursday)
”picI received an email a few weeks ago that I thought was a little strange. It was just a link to another site about working at home and making a lot of money. It came from a relative, and so I opened it. On Wednesday night, the same message was sent to everyone on my email mailing list with my name on it as the sender. I did not send it. If you have received it, don’t open it. If you do, it will probably send itself to everyone on your mailing list, too. Fortunately, most of those on my list have programs that recognized the threat and warned the recipient; many of those who received it never saw it, because they were returned to me by their mail program. I would apologize to those who received it, but I really had nothing to do with it. I’m sorry, anyway.
I’m sure there is a reason why people with these remarkable skills waste them and use them hurtfully, upsetting old coots like me and, worse than that, interrupting the world of business, making all of us just a little bit poorer. They do this hurtful stuff for no other reason than to prove they can. I am fumbling around in my mind for one of Johnny Carson’s old curses that he used to pronounce upon others when clothed in robe and turban as Carnac the Magnificent. Oh, wait — here’s one: “May a crazed sultan force you into mouth-to-mouth resuscitation with a sick lizard.” Take that, you terrible person (proper English for #@#$%##!).
I’m publishing this additional blog to make sure that those who read the blog know that the blog is OK. There’s no mischief connected to it. My email is all right too, as far as I know, other than that particular message, which is not really mine, even though it was sent in my name as sender.