
Growing Every Day

January 26, 2012 (Thursday)

”picTexas.jpgWhat do you know about Texas? More specifically, what do you know about the population of Texas: who are the people and how many are there? If you click here, you can see official demographics.
I read in a news article this morning that Texas grows in population by 1,200 people every day. It’s one of the fast growing states.
This fact has implications for every one of us, especially those in business. The grocery business, for example, has a spokesman who says, “Every one of those people comes equipped with a mouth and a stomach.” In other words, 100% of the increase in population is destined to do business with a grocery store.
While churches are not businesses, they share in the concern for reaching those millions of people who have come to Texas in recent years. Jesus said, “Go into all the world and make disciples..” Here in Texas, He might have said, “The world is coming to you. Make disciples of these people.”