Dec 1


December 1, 2011 (Thursday)

”picHere we are in December. Christmas Day will be here in 3 1/2 weeks. Seems like only a few days ago the heat was so great that I couldn’t handle the metal parts of my car when I got inside it after church. Wait a minute, it was only a few days ago. Corpus recorded a record low temperature for the date this week, so maybe we’re in for another “White Christmas” this year. Who knows?
I have been very fortunate for several years because my allergies were not as bad as usual. I don’t know why. But the past 7 or 8 days have been among the worst I’ve had in a long time. Things feel a little better this morning, so maybe the worst is over. I have no idea as to why they come and go. I do know that cold weather affects me in the same way as exposure to allergens. You can understand, then, why I prefer warmer weather.
Winter Texans scoff at our use of the word, “cold” when talking about our weather. Of course, there’s no comparison, usually, between our winters and theirs. I remember one of the young men at church returned from a military tour of duty in Alaska and told us what it was like when the temperature dropped to 65 degrees below zero. Now that’s cold.
There’s a lot of difference between various places in Texas, when it comes to cold weather. I recall some winters in North Texas when the word used to describe weather for several days was, “blizzard.” I recall how the wind whistled through the loose window panes until finally the condensation inside the window froze and we got warm. I understood that day how igloos could keep people warm.
I didn’t have anything to say, today, I guess you noticed. Hope you enjoyed this little chat. Have a nice day.