The Game of Life

Let’s give it our best shot

October 18, 2010 (Monday)
”picThe Texas Rangers are in New York today, preparing for the big playoff game with the Yankees tonight. The Giants and Phillies will play their third playoff game tomorrow. In many ways, the playoffs are more exciting than the World Series, because the prize has not yet been won. It’s still out there, tantalizing the players and fans alike, yelling to them all, “Catch me if you can.” Zeal and enthusiasm are nearly always greater in the games preceding the World Series. Once the final two teams reach the top of the heap, there is the feeling that victory has been won, and, indeed it has been won in each of the two Major League Baseball Leagues. But none of us is satisfied until that final one and only winner emerges. After that, there are no more goals and the season is finally ended.
The same is true with the football playoffs. In my opinion, the very best games of the entire year are the playoffs. When two teams finally emerge as the Superbowl participants, most of the urgency and drive to win has been dulled and blunted in light of the great victories of the two teams who have finally reached the elusive goal of league champions. There was no Superbowl for many years. The two winners of the leagues went home as winners. Now, thanks to the media event called “Superbowl,” only one team is world champion.
The World Series of seven games (If needed) is a true championship series. It’s been around a long, long time. The Superbowl is the show of shows, and if you can get a good football game too, that’s a bonus.
Life is a lot like the playoffs. The goals are still out there. The winner’s circle awaits. Paul saw that in his own life, and said, “I press toward the mark for the prize.” Toward the end of his life, he announced, “I have fought the good fight and I have finished my race. Now the prize awaits.”
As long as we have goals, we can go on living with meaning and purpose. By God’s grace, we are never forced to give up on living. In the midst of pain and suffering, we can carry on. We can keep on going, no matter how difficult the journey.
Today would have been Wanda’s 79th birthday. If there ever was a person who persevered and lived with purpose, never wavering as she moved through life toward the goals set for her by her Lord, it was she. Through year after year of unbelievable pain and discomfort, for the sake of those she loved, she never quit. She gave her best to the journey, proving that’s where the joy in life is found.