Faith In The Lord

A wonderful song, “It Is Well With My Soul,” was written by Horatio Spafford as he experienced loss of possessions in a fire followed by the tragic loss of his family. As Thanksgiving approaches this month, let us thank the Lord for all His blessings. Let us remember that the greatest blessing of all is […]

The Sweet By and By

November 16, 2019 (Saturday) The writer of the words of this grand old hymn was a friend of the writer of the tune, who was subject to bouts of depression. One day the two of them were together and the musician had his back toward the lyricist, who asked him what was the trouble? Webster […]

Read Devotional Writings

October 21, 2019 (Monday) I recently published a blog entitled “Grow in Grace and Knowledge,” and I suggested “Six Simple Steps to Christian Growth.” (See below). The fifth of these steps was, “Read Devotional Writings.” In the foyer of our church there are stacks of “Open Windows,” a booklet of daily devotionals written by dedicated […]


October 19, 2019 (Saturday) I recently published a blog entitled “Grow in Grace and Knowledge,” and I suggested “Six Simple Steps to Christian Growth.” (See below). The third of these steps was, “Pray.” Jesus’ disciples asked him to teach them how to pray, and Jesus gave them a model prayer, now familiar to us as […]