Only One Life..

September 24, 2019 (Tuesday) Charles T. Studd wrote a poem that begins with the words, “Only one life.”  My dear mother-in-law, Berta Holiday Sadler, heard it one day and never forgot it.  Before her death in 1985, she chose a monument large enough to include the name of her husband, Louie J. Sadler, alongside hers, […]

The White House

September 9, 2019 (Monday) I’ve written about a few of of our presidents. Today I want to write about the house they lived in, in Washington, D.C.  The District of Columbia was established and the city of Washington became a planned city from the ground up. The White House was part of the plans. George […]

James Monroe – 5th President

October 2, 2019 (Wednesday) This blog is copied from “America’s Story,” a web site published by the Library of Congress. Jame Monroe, our 5th president (1817-1825), was born on April 28, 1758, in Westmoreland County, Virginiam and died on July 4, 1831, in New York, New York Monroe is perhaps best known for establishing the […]